For many organizations, a crisis of confidence is brewing that threatens to undo their digital modernization plans. According to the 2021 GDPI snapshot research, a majority of organizations lack confidence in their ability to recover critical data following a cyberattack (67%) or data loss event (65%). This lack of confidence can be linked to a trend that ESG has been reporting on for the last several years; namely, a lack of IT skill sets across such key areas as cybersecurity, data protection and cloud infrastructure management.¹ Fortunately, there is a way for organizations to bridge their IT skills gap, protect and secure their data wherever it lives, lower costs and help them spend more time on innovation instead of infrastructure management – APEX Backup Services.
Think of APEX Backup Services as the easy button for automating the protection of all your critical workloads and data anywhere across your hybrid multicloud estate. Delivered “as-a-Service” APEX Backup Services doesn’t require any infrastructure to be deployed or managed, automatically scales as your data grows and provides built-in cyber-resiliency capabilities that help you quickly recover your data in the event of a ransomware or malware attack.
As a subscription service, APEX Backup Services helps lower IT costs by eliminating infrastructure over-provisioning, something that IT planners have been struggling with for years. But perhaps best of all, APEX Backup Services is so easy to use that junior level admins can protect and secure workloads with a few mouse clicks. This allows IT teams to channel the energies of their senior people towards driving strategic initiatives.
But as they say, “seeing is believing”. To that end, we commissioned ESG to conduct an Economic Value Validation of APEX Backup Services to certify that customers are realizing IT operational and business benefits across three categories. Here is a sneak peek:
Cost Efficiency
- Customers who adopt APEX Backup Services find their overall backup costs lower when compared to their previous backup ecosystem as well as recognizable benefits in APEX’s predictable consumption-based pricing model.
- ESG analysis shows that APEX Backup Services can eliminate up to 90% of instances where data is non-recoverable and reduce the time to recovery by up to 75%. In our sample company with 100 TB of backed-up data, this equates to over 850 recovered hours of end-user productivity.
“APEX Backup Services provides so much functionality and protection that it is hard to compare its cost to our previous solution, but when you look at how APEX enables our employees to work more effectively it really reduces our TCO.”²
- The powerful simplicity that APEX Backup Services provides allows FTEs, both IT and end users, to better focus on driving initiatives that are core to their company’s success.
- With APEX Backup Services, you can buy whatever capacity, and level of service that matches your need and almost instantly add new capacity when the demand arises. Additionally, the challenge of procurement that has created artificial stalls in enabling growth for many companies is eliminated with APEX.
- IT expertise is expensive, hard to find, and even worse, hard to keep. This results in too many IT decisions being made by inexperienced employees. APEX services are backed by Dell’s experts in hardware, software and services.
“We have a lot of junior admins. I needed a backup solution that could allow us to protect a complex environment without making the administration complex. APEX Backup Services is masterful at reducing this complexity.” ²
Reduced Risk
- Customers that were interviewed shared with ESG that they had a level of “assuredness of recoverability” with APEX Backup Services that was not possible in their previous systems.
- Customers interviewed described the process as easy and much faster than expected. Additionally, the Dell discovery process was much more inclusive in finding all important data than their existing systems and helped ensure that all important data was now protected.
- APEX Backup Services has capabilities to isolate data from potential attacks and technology in place to provide accelerated ransomware recovery in the case of a ransomware event.
“With APEX Backup Services, I know that if a disaster event occurs, even if my building is removed from the map, I can get my whole critical infrastructure running within hours, not days or weeks.” ²
Organizations like the Illinois State Treasurer’s office are realizing all of these benefits. Since deploying APEX Backup Services they have seen an 80% reduction in the amount of time spent managing backup processes, freeing up their IT teams to focus on innovation and helping them achieve key milestones in their digital transformation journey. They also have increased confidence in their ability to protect and secure their data from cyberthreats across their hybrid cloud environment, helping them to keep citizen data safe while keeping key services up and running.
Confidence is everything. Without it, every great journey is almost impossible to start. APEX Backup Services can help restore your confidence in your ability to protect and secure your data so as Thoreau once said, you can “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.”
Read the full ESG Economic Validation report for APEX Backup Services.
1 ESG Research 2022 Technology Spending Intentions Survey
2 Anonymous APEX Backup Services customer interviews. ESG Economic Validation: Analyzing the Economic Benefits of Dell APEX Backup Services. Author: Nathan McAfee. September 2022. Commissioned by Dell Technologies.